FLIR Latitude 9.2
Ağ UVMS'si
FLIR Latitude 9.2
Ağ UVMS'si
Featured Information
Advanced Access Control Integrations :
Basic Access Control Integrations :
Form Factor :
Flexible | USS ENT/SMB/Edge

FLIR Latitude 9.2
Ağ UVMS'si
- Advanced Access Control Integrations : Yes
- Basic Access Control Integrations : Yes
- Form Factor : Flexible | USS ENT/SMB/Edge
- Max. User Access : Unlimited
- Multi-site System : Yes
- Number of Channels : Unlimited
- ONVIF Profile S Compliant : Yes
- Redundant and Fault Tolerant : Yes
- Thermal Integration : Yes
- SW Field Upgrade [with valid SSA] : Yes

FLIR Latitude 9.2
Ağ UVMS'si
A part of the FLIR United VMS 9.0 family, Latitude is the preferred enterprise-level IP surveillance system with forensic-quality imaging and user-friendly operations. Using the latest technology, FLIR Latitude is a powerful and versatile network VMS featuring enhanced cyber security, edge device integration, and global administration. The scalable architecture efficiently supports systems of any size and can be implemented throughout an enterprise spanning multiple sites, cities, and continents. United VMS enables security managers to access system status, alarms, and video from anywhere at any time using EZ Client for mobile devices.