Featured Information

- EASY SET-UP AND OPERATION : Begin screening quickly with limited ramp-up time, simple video connectivity, and choice of >4-hour battery or external power.
- FAST, ACCURATE SCREENING : Optimal screening accuracy with automatic ambient drift compensation, visual pass/fail graphic indicators, and audible alarms.
- MAINTAIN SAFETY AND PRIVACY : On-camera FLIR Screen-EST Mode does not store images or personal information and allows for social distancing in screening setups.

The FLIR T540-EST handheld thermal camera is a non-contact screening tools that serve as a first line of defense against potential health risks. This 464 × 348 pixel resolution FLIR EST™ thermal screening solution detects and visualizes heat to quickly identify individuals with an elevated skin temperature. Battery-powered and featuring an integrated touchscreen display, the T540-EST sets up quickly and easily for operation in temporary or mobile screening settings. The on-camera FLIR Screen-EST Mode offers visual positioning guides, automatic sampling to maintain an updated temperature average, and graphic pass/fail indicators for results, reducing the burden on screening station operators. Compatibility with FLIR Screen-EST Desktop software, an integrated tripod mount, and external power makes this camera a good fit for permanent installations.