Enhanced Drone
Enhanced Drone
Featured Information
Endurance 120 Minutes at Standard Load
18.6 Mile (30 KM) Video Transmission
67 Miles (108KM/H) Max Speed

Enhanced Drone
- Endurance 120 Minutes at Standard Load
- 18.6 Mile (30 KM) Video Transmission
- 67 Miles (108KM/H) Max Speed
- Level 6 Wind Resistance
- -20 to +55 Degrees Operating Temperature
- 4500 Meters Highest Transit Altitude
- 3.3 Kg (1.5 Kg) Max Payload
- 6000 Meter Service Ceiling
- IP43 Distraction System
- 17.2 Lb (7.8) Takeoff Weight

Enhanced Drone
The Dragonfish's unique tilt rotor design simplifies operation and maximizes performance and efficiency. With no complicated moving parts, the dragonfish is modular, waterproof, smart and reliable. The Dragonfish is mission ready right out of the box and includes powerful AI tracking capabilities and a multitude of modular payload options. An endurance of 120 mins (including payload) further augments the Dragonfish's robust mission capabilities and pushes it significantly ahead against other VTOL competition.