How Should Human Temperature Be Measured?

Thermal Camera

Thermal cameras are systems that detect the heat radiation of an object and create an image accordingly. Therefore, they can be used in any environment without the need for a light source.

Measurement of Human Body Temperature:

Thermal cameras have the ability to measure human skin temperature from certain distances. Normally, the actual temperature of the human body is not the same as the skin temperature. It can be easily affected by environmental conditions. For example, the skin temperature of a person coming from a cold environment is lower than body temperature.

For this reason, the main task of thermal cameras is to detect the differences by measuring the average skin temperature of the people in the environment.



It has been determined that the tear ducts are the most accurate measurement point when measuring body temperature with thermal cameras.

To make an accurate measurement;


  • The camera should measure one person per measurement.
  • Measurements should be made from the closest place to the tear ducts.

  • If an abnormal situation is detected in a scanned person, it should be checked with devices such as a thermometer designed for Body Temperature Measurement.


In short, thermal cameras should be used to detect abnormal situations that are different from the average in the human body.



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